December 18, 2012

Good bye...

yep, I'm leaving this blog.  I really just don't have the time to focus on all the things I want to something has to give.  I will be keeping up a photography blog though (probably less frequent), so if you love me kindly find me over here at Kassie Nichole Photography

And even if you don't come, thanks for following me this past year or so, it's been fun!

xo, kassie

December 7, 2012

Top 5 Friday: Holiday Wishlist! :)

So, TWO present-giving holiday’s are coming up - Christmas and....MY BIRTHDAY! Okay, so technically my birthday isn’t a holiday...well not a nationally recognized one anyway. :P

So, here are my Top 5 Wants for this lovely gift-giving...and receiving season. :)

I have a secret - this has already been ordered!  Brian is giving it to me for my birthday!  It won't be here until Christmas, but that's okay!

This one & this one - for our bathroom!

I've been looking for one awhile now and I really love this one from Ruche!

like the bauble statement necklace shown here.  I also really love this giraffe one on etsy!

Last time we were in Des Moines, Brian bought me a shirt from this shop (love it!) and I saw this book.  I was already interested and then Meanz from Koi Story said it was good and so now I've decided I need it. :P

What's on your wishlist this year??

December 5, 2012

Birthday Time!

 Happy Birthday Dad!

It's my Dad's birthday I'm sure you've gathered.  He's pretty awesome...and was about my age in that picture. lol.  I really doubt he is aware of this blog, let alone reads it, but I love him so thought I'd share his birthday with the blog world.  :)

xo, kass

December 1, 2012

Found words...

Please take me into your arms
hold me until I struggle for release

don't release me.

I am yours forever.
I breathe in your love.
I drink in your lust.

take me as I am
take me as you please
I am desperate.

desperate for these miles to disappear
desperate to feel your lips on mine
desperate for your hands to roam my eager body

take me.

Kiss me hard
let our halves become one
and absorb me as I absorb you
don't leave me again lover
keep me forever.


I recently rediscovered my old DeviantArt account and I found this poem I wrote. Here's the thing, upon first reading it I thought ...I can't believe I wrote that. I was shocked at the ...intensity of it and, frankly, I think it's good, ha. I do know when I wrote it and who it was referencing. It makes me a bit sad, because at the time what I thought was passion, was really just intensity. I think that happens sometimes with love and desires. I wrestled with the idea of sharing this, because it does make me feel a little raw. It is a direct window into my mind and heart at that moment in my life. It makes me sorta feel like I just posted a nude photo of myself. HA! But, I'd like to tap into that sort of intense creativity again, because I feel like I've lost it. And on that note, I will share one more.


my mind relentlessly refuses my pleads.
focus. FOCUS! if only for a second.
I can't.
I give in.
my soul is wet with emotion.
I can't see       or breathe        or be
It's everything and it's nothing
at once.
my mind is paralyzed by a scream.
a scream from my own abused tongue.
oh god, i gasp for a new life.

what's next?


Hope you enjoyed my random Saturday post.

Have a good weekend. :)