January 31, 2012

Style Log: Doggy Toes & Pencil Skirts {10 & 2 Challenge}

Misfit #5: Grey Skirt
After I put this in the challenge, I thought hmm, maybe I shouldn't have.  I'm not going to get rid of it, because I do like it.  So, in the instance of this misfit the question is: Does it need altered or not?

{Shirt/F21 :: Skirt/Kohl's :: Boots/Worthington via Jc Penny}



Initial Thoughts
I thought this outfit looked pretty cute when I left the house.  I was excited to wear my new lace shirt {isn't it adorable!}, but I wanted to change my tights!  I meant to wear my purple ones!  These ones looked purpleish until I put them on, then they just looked pink. Oh well.  I also was feeling good about the skirt when I left the house.
After Thoughts
Oh my!  Okay, I don't hate this outfit, but I don't love it.  The good thing is, that until I saw these photos I thought I looked awesome, so I walked around all confident all day, haha!  Then, I saw these photos and it just doesn't work.  I should have worn my white sweater tights or the darker purple ones.  I just feel like the ivory shirt sticks out like a sore thumb.  Speaking of a sore thumb, the groomer clipped one of Theo's toe nails too short, so I've been dealing with a bleeding dog toe/nail the last couple of days! Gross...and my poor puppy!  Okay, so the skirt.  Still think it's cute, but I'm just not sure about the shape.  Sometimes it feels boxy to me.  Maybe I should take it in a bit and taper it more?
Final Verdict
I am definitely keeping this skirt, but I don't know if I want to alter it or not.  So, I need your help?  Am I being paranoid, does it look good?  OR should I take in the sides a smidge and taper it into my knees more?
xo, kass

January 30, 2012

Style Log: Torn Faux Leather Dreams {10 & 2 Challenge}

Misfit #4: White Sweater Dress
I’ve had this for quite a few years as well. I actually think it was a birthday gift one year. It’s really pretty and really warm. Even so, it made it into this challenge for two reasons. One, the length is an issue. It's not quite long enough to be a sweater dress, which is annoying to me. Two, I also feel a bit frumpy in it. The fit is a bit loose and it has a tendency to stretch throughout the day.

{Tank/Kohl’s :: Sweater/a.n.a. via Jc Penny :: Pants/LC via Kohl’s :: Boots/Merona via Target}


Initial Thoughts
It’s getting ridiculous right? How often I wear these pants and boots, I mean. I can’t help myself. I went online yesterday hoping to order more of these skinnies. NOPE. All sold out in my size,so sad. THEN, I went to put my favorite boots on and noticed the lining is all torn out from the cuff, argh! I think I may use some sewing glue to help them last a little longer. :)
I liked what looked back at me in the mirror this morning. The sweater feels a bit thick always, but cinching it with a belt really helps. As does pairing it with skinnies, because it’s definitely too short for leggings {at least for work!}.

After Thoughts
I like this sweater for the most part. It’s a bit heavy looking (and it is super warm!), but it looks nice with a belt. My only concern is it’s not super versatile, I feel like I can only wear it with skinnies. Also, because of the cowl neck I feel like I can’t wear a necklace or scarf. Although, maybe I could tie a scarf under the cowl for a pop of color? That could work. I’ve also always thought of pairing this with a flowy skirt.

Final Verdict
This isn't a favorite piece in my closet, but I do like it. Plus I’m starting to think of some other possibilities for styling it, so it definitely deserves to stick around. I feel like this belted sweater and skinnies look is sort of my lazy day fall back when I wake up late. Super easy!

xo, kassie

January 27, 2012

Friday Favorites: Zooey

I have a couple girl crushes, but my biggest on is on Zooey Deschanel.  I love this chick.  She's nerdy, funny, cute and has amazing style.  In my own little weird brain I'm convinced if we ever met she'd want to be my friend instantly.  Or at the very least, I think she might be polite enough to let me buy her a drink. :)

**She's so pretty!**

**And so goofy!**

**LOVE her style!**

Source: tumblr.com via Kassie on Pinterest

**For real, I need to dress like her more!**

Source: imgfave.com via Kassie on Pinterest

**So fun! I want a retro suit!**

Source: piccsy.com via Kassie on Pinterest

**I love this look!**

Source: imgfave.com via Kassie on Pinterest


Style Log: Mustard Love {10 & 2 Challenge}

Misfit #3: Thrifted Brown Skirt
I’ve probably had this brown skirt for about 5 years. I thrifted it at this great shop back home when I was needing more “work” clothes. I wore it once or twice, then I put on weight and moved to my current job where the office attire is super casual. Many of my skirts have been neglected since I started this job. I also wasn’t sure what to wear it with in the past, which sounds so stupid. It’s a simple brown skirt, I know, but I just had so much trouble with it. I think I felt like I had to match with the pink and peach stitching detail. Silly me!

 {Sweater/Thrifted (but it’s Loft!) :: Skirt/Thrifted :: Tights/Kmart :: Boots/ Merona via Target} 

 See how crazy long my hair is getting?!

 Just chillin' with my pooch! :)

Initial Thoughts
I actually quite liked this outfit. I just threw it together last minute {per usual}, so I was quite happy with it. I absolutely love this sweater and it just fits so well with the skirt.

After Thoughts
Gah, I love the yellow and brown together. Plus, every time I wear this sweater (or yellow in general) people at work gush about how nice it looks on me! Who doesn’t love compliments? Okay, but this is about the skirt! I really like the shape and the fit, it’s flattering. It’s also very comfortable. I’ve already thought of a couple more ways to style this skirt (possibly with the shirt from yesterday??), so she will be seeing the outside of my closet more often! Please ignore the crooked belt.  I took these pictures at lunch and didn't have time to fix it.

Final Verdict
She’s a keeper! The material is a bit heavier (thus warmer!), so this skirt will be perfect for chillier months (ie. the majority of the year, ha)!

January 26, 2012

Style Log: Beer, Love, and Cardigans {10 & 2 Challenge}

Misfit #2: Kohl's Tan Plaid Button Down
Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, I was feeling under the weather and didn't get any photos.  Well, if I'm being honest I never even changed out of my pjs.  That's just how it goes sometimes, eh?

{Button down/ Kohl’s :: Cardigan/ Old Navy :: Pants/ LC via Kohl’s :: Boots/ Merona via Target} 


Initial Thoughts
I was once again in a rush, but when am I not? I just sort of threw this together, I’m not even sure I looked in the mirror before I left. The colors matched and I was comfy, so I wasn't super concerned.

After Thoughts
I like it. I mean I feel a bit frumpy looking at these pictures, but not in a bad way. Does that make sense? I was just so comfortable all day, it was wonderful. Plus, I love those pants and that cardi. Actually, this cardigan reminds me of my boyfriend so much. The fit is very “manish” and looks similar to something he wore on our 2nd date. Yes, I do remember what he wore on our second date. A navy shirt with an argyle cardigan, jeans, and some suede brown shoes. He looked really nice and I remember thinking that he must take pride in his appearance because he was always dressed well.

Then...I spilled an entire beer on him...yep. I’m telling you, it was love at first spill.

Final Verdict
Keeping it! I just need to work it into my outfits now!

January 24, 2012

SL: Stripes & Spots {10 & 2 Challenge}

Misfit #1: Old Navy Striped Sweater
Like I said in my introduction to this Challenge, I can’t really pin down why I don’t wear this sweater. The fit, the deep V, the stripes {that make me feel wide} are all possibilities. Anyway, here it is before the big, final decision!

Striped Shirt/Old Navy :: Teal Shirt/Rue 21 :: Pants/Worthington via Jc Penny :: Shoes/Maurice's

Initial thoughts {looking in the mirror this morning}
I felt only “okay” about this outfit in the mirror. I was running late and had laid this out the previous evening. I didn’t take the time for accessories or anything, other than my watch. It was also my first attempt at “pattern mixing”. Polka dots and stripes, not super brave, but brave for me. When I left the house I neither loved or hated this outfit, it just was.

After thoughts {after seeing the photos}
Looking at the photos all I can think is WIDE.  Seriously.  I mean I have no delusions, I'm not a twig...I a normal sized woman {or at least what I call normal}.  I'm beginning to think horizontal stripes are only friends to thin women.  I also think I wouldn't mind the horizontal stripes as much if the sweater was longer.  Maybe I would like it better with just a tank under it?

Final Verdict
I was still feeling on the fence about this sweater, but then I stopped and thought about the purpose of this challenge.  I don't love this sweater, so why should I keep it?  I doubt I'll ever wear it again.  I believe it will be making it's way back into my closet, but in the form of a tube scarf!  I'll be sure to post a DIY when I get it done.  :)

Well...what are your thoughts?

January 23, 2012

10 & Two Challenge

Okay, so I’m going to go ahead and commit to the Feathers & Freckles 10 and 2 Challenge.  Yep.  I have some things I definitely avoid, but I’m not sure why.  I think it’s because of fit it some instances, but I also think it’s because I feel like I can only style these pieces one way.  Well, I shall find out {with your input I hope}!  I do know that I won’t get this done in 2 weeks. First, I don’t do Style Posts everyday and I don’t plan to start. Second, I know there will be at least a couple days where I will wake up late and just try to get out the door, unconcerned with the challenge. I’ll aim to have it all done and posted within a month. :)

The Rules
  • Pick 10 items from your closet that you avoid or have never worn.
  • Wear at least one of those items every day for 2 weeks.
  • Take photos so you can see what other people were looking at all day.

The Players

1. Striped Sweater {Old Navy} - I’ve had this thing for years. At least since the beginning of college and I’ve maybe worn it 3 times. Seriously. I don’t know why I don’t wear it more. For awhile I didn’t wear it because I was much chubbier and I felt the horizontal stripes made me look even wider. Now, I don’t feel like that would be an issue. Maybe it’s the deep V-neck that’s stopping me? Either way, it’s a great sweater and is in great condition, so I need to figure out how to style it or toss it in the donate pile!

2. Purple Shirt Dress {On Sale, Kohl’s} - Okay, this was in my 30 for 30, but I haven’t worn it since then. Which, I think, really says something. There are lots of possible reasons why I don’t wear this. The fit for one. Also, I’m not sure about the length. Lastly, I never know how to style it. I can put a white button down under it, but that’s all I can think of. HELP PLEASE! I need ideas!

3. Grey Cardi {Kmart} - I bought this on impulse a couple years ago, because I had seen something similar on a girl in town and I liked it. However, I didn’t try it on {too big mabye} and I literally have NEVER worn it. So, this guy definitely deserves to be in this challenge. If I can’t find a way to style him that I like, then to the re purpose for DIY’s pile he goes!

4.  Patterned Dress Shirt {Kmart} - I bought this little number for $3 at Kmart! I have worn it a few times, but not for quite awhile. The times I have worn this has always been with leggings and black flats/heels. I’d like to find a different way to style it or something. I’m not sure. The length is an issue {way to short for just a dress} and I feel like it’s almost too snug for real pants or jeans.

5. Grey Skirt {On Sale, Kohl’s} - This was also in my 30 for 30 remix, but again I have not worn it since. It’s a great skirt, but I feel like it doesn’t quite fit properly. I bought it a couple years ago, so it is a size or two to big  Maybe that’s the problem? Maybe I just need to take it in a bit... I’ll wait and get your opinions.

6. White Sweater Dress {a.n.a. via Jc Penny} - I feel like I’m wearing a frumpy sack when I wear this. I try to belt it, but I still feel like I look preggo in it. Yet, it has remained in my closet for years. This is it’s last chance. If I don’t like it this time, well then it’s going to be salvaged into a great infinity scarf. :)

7.  Brown Skirt {thrifted} - This has also been sitting in my closet for years. I thrifted it when I got my first internship in college. I wore it every once in awhile, but I felt like I never had anything that matched it.  It didn't fit me for a couple of years, but it fits me now, so I need to work it into my wardrobe or send it back to thrift land!

8.  Brown Cardigan {thrifted} - I thrifted this a couple years ago and I’ve worn it once or twice. A button was missing, but I fixed that. I’m not sure why I never wear it, maybe it’s a bit snug? We’ll have to see.

9. Brown V-Neck Tee {Old Navy} - This shirt is nice enough, but I literally never wear it.  I'm not sure why.  Possibly because it has such a deep V-neck. 

10. Tan Button Down {On Sale, Kohl's} - There is nothing special about this shirt really, but I continue to keep it. I love button downs and I like the ruffle detailing, but I always end up feeling very cowgirl-ish when I wear it. Which is something I’m not super down with. I thought about trying to do some pattern mixing with it, but I’m terrified of pattern mixing. Can I wear plaid and floral together?

January 20, 2012

Friday Favorites: Lace

I’m am loving lace lately. Loving. However, for whatever reason I have nothing lacey to wear! What gives? I should probably change that soon. Until then I will lust over these beauties. <3

**So pretty, love the white lace with the flowy yellow skirt!**

**OMG, this color is gorgeous!**

**I love yellow and this dress is so cute! It could easily be styled for winter or summer!**

**This is just so pretty it makes me smile. Love that sea green skirt...and paired with the lace top it’s so perfect!**

**One of my favorite colors in the form of an adorable dress! Too bad it’s out of stock!**

Happy Friday!

January 19, 2012

Button Swap?

Button Swap anyone?
Eternal Optimist did this awhile ago and I thought it was a great idea!  Here's how it works...I post your "button" on my blog and you post mine on yours! Simple right? 

If you already have a button, great!  Then just shoot me an email at kasnic37@gmail.com with the subject "Button Swap".
If you need to make a button still and need a bit of help then check out Ly's Tutorial!

Mine is below, with the code and all.  You can easily add this to your sidebar {in blogger}.  Just go to Layout and click "Add a Gadget", from there choose "HTML/JavaScript" and paste the code in.  That's it!

Ginger Flair
<a href="www.gingerflair.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n587/GingerFlair/Button.jpg" alt="Ginger Flair" width="150" height="150" /></a>

Don't forget you can also find me on Bloglovin', Twitter and Pinterest!

Happy Thursday Everyone!!

January 18, 2012

Style Log: Lime, Tan and Navy Polka Dots

 Khakis/Thrifted :: Shirt/Old Navy :: Card/Thrifted :: Boots/ Worthington via Jc Penny

Since yesterday's post sort of had some recipe's incorporated in it, I thought I'd do a style post today. 

This shirt has popped up twice in my log now, obviously it's my new favorite shirt.  However, I think it's time to give the rest of my closet some love.  I've been thinking about doing Feathers and Freckles 10 and 2 challenge, but I'm not sure I want to commit to anything right now.  Ah, horrifying commitment.

January 17, 2012

Pizzeria Date Night

Hola blog world! I feel like I sort of dropped off the blogosphere planet the last few days! I had yesterday off {government job perk!} and it felt like it was still the weekend, so I completely forgot to blog. I remembered about 9 pm, but then I decided it could wait!

Anyway, this weekend Brian and I started a new thing...date night! I wasn’t planning on it becoming a “thing”, but we decided we would do a special date night in once a month and take turns with the hosting responsibilities.  I thought I'd share in case anyone was looking for a cute and simple date idea, I know I always am!

We had talked about making our own pizza before, so I decided to do a Pizzeria Date Night! Here are some yummy pictures from the evening, I unfortunately didn’t get pictures of the pizza. We were just having too much fun and I forgot! He basically made a Supreme pizza on his half and I made a chicken and broccoli alfredo pizza, very good!

 Ambiance is everything!  I even made us a little sign! lol Don’t forget music too! I opened Pandora and played a station based on “That’s Amore” by Dean Martin, it was perfect pizzeria music!

This is the most amazing garlic bread ever! I just bought a tube of Pilbury’s Italian bread, cooked it for half of the time {about 15-20 min}, then I pulled it out of the oven to cool. While it’s cooling, brush on a homemade garlic oil/butter {just melted butter, a bit of oil, italian seasonings, and a lot of minced garlic}. Once it’s cooled, slice into the bread and stuff the slices with more of the garlic butter and lots of cheese, we used mozzarella and parmesan. Then bake it for the rest of the time. It was AMAZING!

Like I said, I don’t have a final picture, but here are all our fixin’s! We had alfredo and regular sauce as well as two different meats, cheeses and lots of veggies! We used pizza crust out of a tube and brushed it with the left over garlic butter, again so yummy!

I kind of forgot dessert until the last minute.  Brian's favorite is tiramisu, but I just didn't have the time.  So, instead I made this quick dessert based on tiramisu.  In a bowl, crumble up some Nilla wafers, pour a little bit of coffee over them, top that with vanilla yogurt and some whipped creme, then sprinkle some cocoa powder over it.  Top it off with a couple more Nilla wafers!  I think it was pretty yummy, not really tiramisu, but still good. :)

All in all, Pizzeria Date Night was a major success! Brian was already planning for his turn...he mentioned something about a Medieval theme? Sounds like fun! :)

January 13, 2012

Friday Favorites: Art Love

**These are amazing! {artist: Iori Tomit}**

** This underwater series is amazing! See it HERE! {artist: Andreas Franke}**

**I’m a sucker for all things “ginger”! :P {artist: I regret to say I don't know whose this is :\}**

Source: fab.com via Kassie on Pinterest

**I love simple graphic prints like this.**

**These are AMAZING! {artist: Sayaka Ganz}**

Enjoy your weekend! {long one if you work for the man, like me!}