December 30, 2011

Friday Favorites: Party Treats!

It’s almost time for that ultimate party! Here are some great ideas for snacks and appetizers!

*Garlic Cheesy Bread!*

*Blue Moon Cupcakes! Seriously? These are real?

*Class it up a bit with...Wine Jello!!*

*Chicken buffalo bites, yum!*

*Cookie Dough Truffles!*

*Can’t go wrong with taco dip, especially when it’s low cal!*

*Buttershots! Where do people come up with these things?*

*Holiday cocktail! Looks yummy!*

Be Safe & Have a Happy New Year!!

December 29, 2011

Style Log: Plaid & Corderoy

 {Button Down/Old Navy :: Sweater/Old Navy :: Skinny Cords/Lauren Conrad via Kohl’s :: Watch/Merona via Target :: Boots/Merona via Target}

Everything I’m wearing ['cept the boots] is new! Happy Holiday’s to me! The awesome skinny cords I got on a return, everything else was gifted. I wore this yesterday, on the ONE day I had to work this week. Today, I’m headed north for a quick stop in the Twin Cities, then onward for one last holiday celebration with my man’s mother. I’m pretty stoked, she’s up north quite a ways, so they have snow...and thus we will be snow shoeing! Should be fun and most likely quite entertaining as I’m very clumsy. I’m hoping get some great photos out of it as well!

I’ll be “officially” back after the new year, hope you have a great one!!

December 28, 2011

Recipe: Irish Cream Liqueur

Here’s another holiday recipe for you ...Irish Cream Liqueur! This is a great and simple gift! I found a recipe on and altered it a bit. It’s a gift for my Dad and I haven’t taste tested it yet, but I’ll report back!

What You Need:
1 cup of milk
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup Irish whiskey {I cut back from 1 ⅔ cups}
1 teaspoon instant coffee granules
2 tablespoons chocolate syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract

What You Do:
1. In a blender combine all ingredients.  I combined them in a bowl, then mixed them up in my Magic Bullet, because I don't have a blender!
2. Store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator. Shake before serving.

That’s it! Easy right? Not much of a recipe, but I still wanted to share. Also, since mine is a gift I made a cute little label for it. I also used a similar label for my Cinnamon Vodka!

Hope you all had a Merry Holiday!

December 27, 2011

DIY Gift Review!!

Now that all my family’s gift giving has past, I thought I’d give you a quick photo tour of the gifts I made!

I made Cinnamon Infused Vodka for my Mom and best friend. Then, I made some Irish Creme Liquor for my Dad! There will be a recipe for that on Wednesday!

 This was another gift for my bestie! I followed the tutorial here!

I made these “stay put dish towels” for both of my grandma’s! I used the tutorial on Pin. Sew. Press!

I made a couple of these totes I found for my Mom and bestie! I ended up lining my moms with material from an old pair of corduroys!

I had this really awesome picture of my grandpa, so then I used a thrift store frame to make this awesome one!

I made these puppy treats for all of my canine family and friends! I got the recipe from ”Come On Ilene!

Last, but not least I made these word photography prints for my mom and grandma’s! I went out and took all the photos and assembled them.

I just want to say thanks to all those other bloggers out there for posting such awesome tutorials! You helped make my holiday’s a hit! :)

December 23, 2011

Friday Favorites: Holiday Decor

Here’s another installment of Friday Favorites! Just a heads up I’ll be out of town for a bit, so except for a few scheduled posts it will be pretty quiet around here until after the New Year!

*This is so great and creative!*


Source: via Kassie on Pinterest

*I’m just loving the look of a white Christmas tree! I should look for one after the holidays for next year!*

*Sparkles are a must!*

Source: via Kassie on Pinterest

*What a cute and simple idea!*

*Pretty, more sparkles!*

*Clean, simple and gorgeous!*

*Another unique and creative tree!*

Hope you all have wonderful Holidays!!

December 22, 2011

DIY: Wood Slice Picture Frame

I saw this frame on and thought, wow I could totally make that! So this is my version, it’s a pretty easy and quick DIY and it turns out really awesome! Now I should give a little disclaimer, I say it’s quick and easy, but my father cut all of the wood for me and then actually mailed it to me [as we live quite far apart]. How nice was that? Thanks Dad!!

Photo is mine, of my grandfather.

What You Need:
Sticks to cut up, or already sliced sticks/wood
Hot glue gun and glue
Picture frame

What You Do:

1. First you need to slice up your wood. Decide on a thickness and try to stick close to that. I believe I had my father cut mine between ¼ and ½ of an inch.

2. Lay out the slices on your frame. Mine kept slipping off, but it definitely helped. It gave me a starting point. I had to adjust and improvise near the end, but I definitely recommend laying them out a bit to help get you started.

3. Start gluing them on! I used hot glue, but I’m sure there are better glue you could use. Hot glue has a bad rep of popping off [I think], but it’s what I had available and honestly it worked fine.

See! Super easy! I have some left over wood slices, so I’m trying to think up some ways to use them. I’m thinking maybe some coasters for my Dad’s bar? Should be pretty easy, some felt, some cardboard and more glue! :)

December 21, 2011

Recipe: Oreo Truffles

These are the best little things ever and have become a staple at all our Christmas events. I made them one year and now my family expects them! Which is fine with me, because they are super yummy! The basic recipe is super easy, then you can have have fun with a few variations.

You will need:
1 (16 ounce) package OREO Cookies, WARNING: Do NOT use double stuff, they won’t roll into balls properly!
1 (8 ounce) package Cream Cheese, softened
Chocolate bark, melted [I always buy one white and one chocolate]

What You Do:
1.  Crush cookies to fine crumbs in food processor or bullet. (Cookies can also be finely crushed in a resealable plastic bag using a rolling pin.)
2.  Put cookie crumbs in a large bowl and mix in cream cheese.

3.  Roll this mixture into small balls and place on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper.
4.  This step is optional, but I suggest putting these in your freezer [or fridge if your freezer is too small] for a bit. I’d say an hour or two, just until they stiffen up some.
5.  Melt the chocolate bark. I do this carefully in the microwave in 15-30 second increments, so I don’t burn the chocolate. I do a bowl of chocolate and a bowl of white chocolate.
6.  Dip balls in chocolate; place on wax paper-covered baking sheet and let them set up. I drizzle the opposite color on top of the truffles for a bit of decoration.

 7.  When you’re all finished you can store them in the fridge or freezer until your party or whatever. I recommend eating a couple before you do that though. :)

Some ideas...

-Save some of the crushed Oreos out of the cream cheese mix and sprinkle these on top of your truffles. -Last year I bought a couple Butterfinger bars and mashed those up with on batch of oreos, then I saved some of the Butterfinger to sprinkle on top. Yum! -Have you noticed how Oreo’s come in all kinds of crazy flavors now? Like Mint and peanut butter? I bought a package of each this year and made my truffles out of those, delish! You could even use some food coloring to tint the white chocolate bark. I’m not going to lie to you, these are a bit time consuming, but totally worth it. Grab a friend to help and make a couple batches! You’ll be done in no time!

December 20, 2011

Style Log: Grey, Red, Leopard

  {Jacket/Mossimo via Target, Dress/Thrifted, Scarf/Gifted, Boots/Worthington via JC Penny}

I wore this outfit [or a variation of it] two days this week! Also, is it okay that this jacket appears in two consecutive style posts? Hmm, would you have even noticed if I hadn’t told you? Guessing not! Oh well! 

I wore this exact outfit to work one day then I wore it again for my birthday evening out on Saturday! Except, I wore the leopard scarf as a belt instead, I liked it much better that way. I’m thinking this ensemble may make a third appearance for some holiday festivities later this week. It’s comfy, warm and oh so cute!

December 19, 2011

Health Report: Workout DVDs

I am sad to report that I’m not doing the greatest on my healthy eating and exercise. It’s so hard this time of year, but that’s no excuse. I used to go to the gym regularly, but I fell out of that habit and now just don’t really enjoy it. I do have a few at home DVDs that I really enjoy using, but I have to do just that...USE THEM! I am starting to get better about though, so here are a few of my favorites and one recommended to me by a good friend [who dropped 50lbs!].

10 Minute Solution: Pilates
I’ve had this dvd for a couple years and it continues to be tough[probably because I never stick with it]. Truth: Pilates is not easy, especially if you aren't in shape! What I love about this dvd is that there are 5 separate 10 minute workouts that target specific areas. It’s perfect for a busy schedule. The dvd also gives you the option to choose 3 to play consecutively, so that you then have a 30 minute workout. It’s pretty fast paced, but I think a beginner could still follow along.

Jillian Michael’s 6 week Six Pack
Now this is one that kicks your ass. Jillian Michaels is tough, but she produces results. I can’t say for sure if the title of this dvd is true, because I haven’t stuck with it that long. However, I think it could be true, because this dvd works you to your limit. The first couple times I went through it I couldn’t quite keep up and there were a couple moves that continue to be very tough for me. I would say this is not for beginners. You should have some familiarity with work out dvds before you even think of picking up this bad boy. I really plan on keeping up with this one, but doing the same dvd everyday bores the heck out of me, so I will often play music over the dvd after I have a grip on the moves. Just a friendly tip for you! :)

Dance Fitness for Beginners with MaDonna Grimes: African Beat - Latin Heat
I haven’t used this dvd as much, but it’s fun. The title says beginners, but I might say it’s more suited for advanced beginners or intermediates. I followed along with little trouble, but I have a pretty strong history in dance. The other two dvds I listed incorporate strength training, whereas this is just cardio. Which is fine, I like to do this one when my muscles are sore or if I just feel like a pick me up! If you don’t like working out or you think it’s boring this would be a good dvd for you!